Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Hiking is an outdoor activity which consists of walking on natural environment, such as trails on a mountain or hills. Sometimes the trails are flat and sometimes the trails steep, whatever trail you choose will benefit you. Hiking/walking on trails is more of a low impact work out because your not straining your body. Walking is a weight-bearing exercise. Just by walking with good posture, muscles and bones are strengthened (Health Benefits of Hiking).  Hiking is relaxing, fun and the scenery is usually beautiful. Although Hiking is a low impact work out, there are many health benefits to it. According to the health benefits of hiking, physical activity such as hiking lowers blood pressure 4-10 points regaining a normal body weight can lower it 5-20 points. Hiking and walking can help with people who are diabetic, obese and people who suffer from anxiety, osteoporosis/arthritis and hypertension.Read More: Health Benefits of Hiking

Hiking is one of the best ways to loose weight and helps lower cholesterol. For people who are new to working out or for people who just don't like the idea of working out, hiking is great choice because your just walking and enjoying the scenery. For beginners it's best to find a trail that is not steep, once you are ready to challenge yourself, try a trail that is more steep with an incline. Many people find hiking to be therapeutic and a great stress reliever. In addition being surrounded by nature is relaxing and enjoyable to look at. What makes hiking a great hobby is that there are many trails to explore, they are all unique in there own way. 

On average, you burn 100 calories for every mile you walk. Another way to look at it is in terms of how quickly you are walking. You burn about 200 to 250 calories per hour if you're walking at a rater of 2.5 miles an hour (Health Benefits of Hiking).

If your looking for a bit of a challenge, the Claremont Loop is a great trail, it is 5 mile hike and it has beautiful scenery. If your look for more scenery with a water fall, The San Anita trail is a great pick. There many trails to choose from just have search what your looking for. 

Individual Accountability

Should society as a whole be penalized for the poor choices of an individual's eating habits, or should that person take it upon themselves to engage in a healthier life style? In September 2012, Congress proceeded to pass a bill that would end childhood obesity.  Recently, Michelle Obama and her committee have made it their duty to deprive America of king sized candy bars. Government is taking action against the food we all eat. Instead of focusing on those who need the help, the government is focusing on society as a whole. This doesn't really seem like a big deal to a majority of people, but I feel differently. Why should I pay the price of people who eat unhealthy, and don't take the time to involve themselves in physical activity? Simply put, the obesity problem in America isn't caused by what America eats, but rather the sedentary life that many people live.

Present day America is so fast paced, revolving around electronics and tv, that no one takes the time to take care of themselves anymore. Instead of sitting on the couch for 4-5 hours of the day, I'd recommend spending at least an hour a day participating in some sort of activity. Whether it be going for a walk, or heading to the gym, make sure to burn off those calories. The physical activity doesn't need to be anything grand, just something to get the heart rate up, and burn off calories. If you like to watch tv, then make up a cardio routine to your favorite tv show. Many people make the argument that "they don't have enough time" or their "schedule is too packed," well there's a simple fix to that, too. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park further away from your office building and walk the extra 200 steps. The activity itself doesn't matter as long as you're getting the exercise your body needs. Dedicating a solid hour to activeness a day will help the obesity epidemic, while leading Americans to be happier and more proud of the way they look.

Granted, the food in America isn't the greatest, and definitely not the healthiest. Living in a world where Mc Donalds is considered a substantial meal just proves America's obesity problem. I, myself, used to eat Mc Donalds on a regular basis, I mean it's quick, easy, and enjoyable. However, I believe the food we eat still isn't all there is to blame for America's obesity problem. I think the real reason for this issue is the lack of exercise and time spent exercising for the amount of calorie consumption a person intakes on a daily basis. If a person eats over 2000 calories a day, and doesn't do any activity, that person is gaining weight daily. Spending less time eating, and more time working out and exercising your body will surely lower your chance of obesity and make you feel better about yourself. It's not always about what you eat, but what you do to burn it off. A person can enjoy any meal they want without feeling guilty if they were to exercise for the appropriate amount of time. Just make sure to not go overboard with the exercising. Keep it safe and fun, and you'll enjoy yourself more, and have more satisfaction in what you eat.


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tips on Exercising


Many struggles come along with obese people trying to lose weight.  In an article, Paige Waehner bullet points all the challenges that obese people encounter while trying to lose weight and her result is to hire a personal trainer or an online trainer.  Good suggestion but those personal trainers' starting rate are anywhere between $90-$120 depending on the gym club and the trainers' discrepancy.  The price will at least double if you’d want a trainer to go to your house.  Who has the money right now to spend that much?  It’ll be cheaper to get a gastric bypass procedure. 
My suggestion is to look up exercises on YouTube for FREE.  To promote themselves many personal trainers' will post videos on easy ways to workout.  If you are advance in exercising and want to become tone and have a more intense workout there are videos for you too.  I recently wanted to tone my stomach and eventually get a ripped belly so I browsed YouTube and found plenty of videos.  The one that gave me the best workout and results was Extreme Six Pack Abs Workout.  YouTube is full of useful information and best of all it doesn’t need your credit card number.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Healthy, enjoyable tips to a better you

David Zinczenko recently wrote an article informing millions of people on simple tips to losing weight, and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. A majority of the tips are to simply watch what you're eating, and keep in mind a 2000 calorie daily diet. Those times when you may feel the need to give in and have that extra piece of pizza, or maybe you only have an hour for lunch, and it would be easier to just get that fast food meal; don't do it! Zinczenko offers other alternatives to greasy, fattening foods, while still keeps the idea of eating enjoyable. He gives the reader easy to follow guidelines, many of which relate to the portions of food, and the amount of consumption. The key to weight loss is to focus on what you're eating. Ask yourself "do I really need that second helping of dinner?" or "have I been keeping tabs on what I've eaten this week?"

Many people have the urge to eat on their down time because they feel bored. Instead of eating an entire meal, enjoy a light snack. Todd Plitt gives his readers healthy snack alternatives to potato chips and greasy fries. Portioned snacks give you the energy you need, without the excessive eating and calorie gain. Plitt encourages his readers to eat the foods they enjoy, but in a more moderate amount. The next time you go in your kitchen cabinet, look around and make sure you're making the wisest decision with your eating habits.

The basics of Obesity

What is Obesity?
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and or increased health problems. People are considered as obese when their body mass index(BMI) exceeds 30kg/m2.  
Why is it dangerous?
Obesity increases the percentage of various diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer osteoarthritis and asthma. Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food energy intake, lack of physical activity.
Facts about Obesity:
Approximately 72.5 million American adults are obese.
“Obesity is one of the factors causing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Obese people are doing something the Obama administration can’t do: creating well paying healthcare jobs by eating themselves to death (bussinessinsider.com)” Read More: bussinessinder
 I feel this is true because most of us don't want to spend time cooking so we turn to fast food. People also turn fast food because it is cheaper, for example the dollar menu at McDonalds; but in reality it is cheaper to eat healthy because in the long run you will have less Doctor visits, spend less money on medications and even surgery. The cost of liposuction is usually ranges from $5,000 and up. 

First lady Michelle Obama was on Dr. Oz and she claims that Obesity is a national security problem. She says this because when she was spending time on the military base she came to find out that the #1 thing that is preventing young people ages 17-24 from qualifying to join the military is obesity. She says “the military is taking this very seriously and they’ve implemented some really fascinating and successful programs, so they have found that they’ve got to do a whole lot of re-educating in the military just to get soldiers ready for combat. So yes, it is absolutely a security issue for our country.” Towards the end of her interview she said she was aiming and focusing on child obesity. Read More: The Blaze

According to the blaze.com, In 2010 Michelle Obama said, “childhood obesity isn’t just a public health issue, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a national security threat as well.”

In 2010 a bill was passed: Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
Improving child nutrition is the focal point of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids
Act of 2010. The legislation authorizes funding and sets policy for USDA's 
core child nutrition programs: the National School Lunch Program, the 
School Breakfast Program
, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for 
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
, the Summer Food Service Program, 
and the Child and Adult Care Food Program. The Healthy, Hunger-Free 
Kids Act allows USDA, for the first time in over 30 years, opportunity to 
make real reforms to the school lunch and breakfast programs by 
improving the critical nutrition and hunger safety net for millions of children(http://www.fns.usda.gov)

I think the Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is a great idea because in reality kids are going to eat what you serve them. When you get rid of the chips and soda and replace them for more healthy choices, the children will have no other choice but to eat the healthier item. I remember when I was in Jr. High and High School almost every students diet was chips and soda for lunch and both have no nutritional value whats so ever. I just think its sad how students ate that five times a week. And no one really thought or had the knowledge that eating that will have its affect. I think it is important for children to begin learning about nutrition and about having a healthy life-style at a young age because the older you get the harder it is to get rid of bad habits and manage your weight. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pita Pizza

At times when we are on a streak of eating healthy, we deprive ourselves and tend to fall. We go get that pizza we have been craving or that burger; which then leads us on a junk food spree and call it our "cheat day" or "cheat weekend." I think what helps a lot is cooking food that tastes good and making what we love to eat but substituting the unhealthy ingredients for healthier ones. For instance, just yesterday I was craving pizza but did not want to cheat, so I decided to make my own, which was quick, yummy and easy. I bought whole grain pitta bread for my base. For my sauce I blended fresh tomatoes, oregano, garlic and sea salt; before putting the ingredients in blender I saute the tomatoes and garlic that way it can really grab the flavor. For my toppings I added zucchini, spinach, red onion, Canadian bacon cook and mozzarella cheese. I bake it at 350 degrees for 10 minutes, it was delicious!!!                            
Pita Pizza!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Assignment #2

http://www.preventobesity.net -organization
http://getfitfeelsexy.blogspot.com/ An Individual

DailySpark is an organization that blogs about fitness, nutrition, and health. They have a list of reicpes, what foods to watch out for different ways to make your life a healthy one. They have links that highlight other people's work and comment.

PlancentricBlog is about a women who lost weight by becoming a vegetarian, she blogs about nutrition and health facts.
She has links on her blogs, she finds information on different topics, mainly in the nutrition and health category, also does research on different studies. She began blogging after she had lost over 100lbs by becoming vegetarian. She just became much more interested in health and nutrition and decided to blog about the information she finds.
Preventobesity is organization that blogs about daily news about what is going on about news whats going on in the media with obesity, health and nutrition. This website mainly focuses on children because that's where it starts.
They show news in their blogs and links to other pages.

Getfitfeelsexy is individual that blogs about healthy recipes and healthy alternatives to use when it comes to cooking. She shares information that she finds about what foods to eat, comments on the different alternatives she uses such as stevia instead of sugar and almond milk instead of soy or regular milk. She began blogging when she found the she a passion for cooking and not just any cooking, healthy and clean cooking.

All of these do relate in some way to my topic because obesity is cause by not having a healthy life-style. It is important to know how to cook healthier, what foods to eat, what foods to not eat, things you can do to change your daily routines and fitness. All of the blogs use some sort of social media, facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Assignment #2

Lyn produces the blog's content.  The blog describes her day by day experience after having the lap band surgery.  Lyn wants to share her experience with others struggling with weight problems.
Publish's everyday.  The blog has a couple of comments of women asking for Lyn's advice.  This blog has an email and facebook.

Arya M. Sharma's Dr. Sharma's Obesity Notes
Arya M. Sharma produces the blog's content.  The blog describes social events, peoples experience, weight management and different studies.  Dr. Sharma is a researcher that gives lectures on etiology and management of obesity and related cardiovascular disorders.  His goal is to find a cure and educate the public.  Publish's everyday.  The blog has a few videos on health and social pain from obesity.  This blog has a facebook, twitter, email, and linkedin.

The Obesity Society (non-profit organization)
The Obesity Society produces this website.  This websit has videos when the media speaks about obesity.  They study the behavior and psychological aspect of obesity.  The goal is to inform the public with sound science and resources.  A membership association of researchers and care providers.Publish's everyday.  No comments are on this website.  This website has a twitter, facebook, and linkedin.

PubMed Health U.S. National Library of Medicine
The website is produced byPubMed Health.  This website helps educate society about obesity.  They explain the causes of obesity and how to treat it.  Clinical effectiveness research finds answers to the question “What works?” in medical and health care. It also promotes public awareness.  Publish's every few months.  No comments are on this website.  This website has a twitter, facebook, and a blog.


Francesca M. Dea's Obesity Society Page
1) Obesity.org is produced by the Obesity Society which is an organization group.
2) This organization produces facts and information about obesity, and the attempts that are being made to raise health habits in America. The Obesity Society mostly involves news and information about the current obesity problems in America. The site mainly recognizes works of others, such as other organizations and committees that are designed to improve America’s health.
3) The Obesity Society has been around since 1982, and informs the public on the current obesity standards of America, and to encourage research of obesity.
4) New content is updated every month in the “Obesity Society Newsletter,” and whenever a new discovery or research project is recorded.
5) There are no comments available with this site.
6) This website is connected with Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

1) This blog is written by an obese mother who is trying to lose weight.
2) The blog is heavily filled with commentary, highlighting the blogger’s ambition to become thinner and healthier. It is an original reported blog coming from the woman herself.
3) Lyn writes this blog to journal her daily caloric intake and talk about her level of motivation and well-being for the given day. This is a personal interest blog impacting Lyn and informing her followers of her daily endeavors.
4) Lyn posts a new blog every day.
5) The comments that follow the blog are words of encouragement and advice.
6) This blog can be shared with Facebook and Twitter.

Mike Adams' NaturalNews Site
1) Natural News is an organization of writers who inform the public on positive health choices and decisions that can be made to reflect a health life style.
2) This site is mostly news articles about obesity and improvements on America’s health. The site refers to other news articles and research that was previously done. Agenda on this site is to promote healthy living and inform America on beneficial health decisions.
3) Natural News Network wants to encourage individuals to make better health choices and to also protect the environment. It is a public interest site that is used to reach the community by providing positive health choices for the civic.
4) Natural News is updated roughly every two days.
5) Comments are available and mostly talk about the issue presented and discussions related to the topic.
6) The site is linked to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.

Joel Ellis' Daily Fitness Blog
1) This blog is written by an individual.
2) The blog is mostly commentary offering physical fitness tips and work out routines and information. The article relates to my blog because it’s trying to cut down on America’s obesity, and create a healthier America.
3) The Daily Fitness Solution Blog was created for public reasons in order to help followers become better in shape, and more informed on how to lose weight. The blog was created to share fitness believes and tips.
4) The blogger updates his blog every day supplying new workout material to his readers.
5) The comments that accompany the blog are often questions about the workouts, and also of thanks and appreciation.
6) The blog is connected to Facebook and Twitter.