Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Cellulite better known as "cottage cheese" is the dimple looking appearance on your skin. According to medical news today cellulite is caused by fat deposits that are just below the surface of the skin. It generally appears on skin in the abdomen, lower limbs, and pelvic region, and it usually occurs after puberty. According to Kasey McCreery different estrogen and progesterone levels can aggravate cellulite. It can also be affected by increased water retention, tight connective tissue that pulls down on the skin, enlarged fat lobes and poor circulation.

How to exfoliate skin clams that women's bodies store fat differently than men's bodies. Basically, the shape of the areas that store fat in men's bodies run diagonally underneath the skin, which makes them less visible. These same fat-storing areas in women's bodies are shaped like vertical honeycombs, which means that fat builds up in the holes and then pushes through the muscles fibers when they're overfull, hence the appearance of those dimples.

 According to she knows  Cellulite does not discriminate against size. Even if you are a size 2 and waif thin, cellulite can (and likely will) find you! Cellulite occurs when the fatty tissue immediately underneath your skin is damaged, which has nothing to do with other layers of fat or muscle. So that is why is important to take care of your health and skin and a young age.

The disturbing news about cellulite is that you can't get rid of it, but you can reduce the appearance of it. There are many products out in the market that claim to get rid of cellulite for ex. creams, lotions, rubs, and body wraps; well according to the official cellulite cure none of these will get rid of cellulite because they can't reach the root of the problem underneath three layers of skin.

Although you cannot get rid of cellulite you can reduce the appearance. The American Council of Exercise recommends reducing overall body fat in order to reduce the amount of cellulite in problem areas. Cardio exercise is the beast way to accomplish overall weight loss. 30-60 minutes a day will definitely make a difference. Or even 3-4 times a week of cardio can help you reach your goal. Doing weight lifting will also benefit you by helping to tone up and reduce the appearance of cellulite, so pick up those weights. Of course in order to reduce the appearance of cellulite you will have to make healthier choices when it comes to picking out your meals.

Laser treatment can eliminate cellulite but it will cost you. According to Schulte Cellulite The FDA approved the first form of cellulite laser treatment in 2002 for something known as circumferential reduction. This method aims to reduce excess weight and fat in the hips, buttocks, and the thighs and to reduce dimples and marks in the skin. This process works by combining the effects of mechanical massage, laser light, and radio frequency treatments together into one holistic treatment. The women receiving treatment will need to undergo laser treatment for a series of sessions before experiencing the cellulite-freeing effects.

Although you can eliminate the appearance of cellulite through laser treatment, you will have to maintain a healthy life-style because it can come back.

Laser treatments can range from as little $200 a session to $2,300. So if your one of the lucky few that can afford the treatment, you can eliminate cellulite.

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