Monday, November 19, 2012

Get that metabolism going!

An excellent way to start losing weight is buy increasing the speed of your metabolism. Although it seems like speeding up your metabolism is impossible, there are actual ways to accomplish this goal. I've also included ways that slow down your metabolism, so you can avoid those at all times.

 In fact, there are 14 ways. A helpful tip is to multiply your current weight by 11, and that number is the amount of calories you should eat a day. Eat breakfast, though some people think skipping breakfast helps keep their amount of calorie consumption down, breakfast actually engages your body's metabolism, helping to burn off calories through out the day. Eat snacks instead of meals, not only does this cut the amount of calories you consume, but it also sparks your metabolism throughout the day. Another tip, is to think about the foods you eat, instead of eating tons of fats and sugars, balance it out with protein. Protein is a crucial component to a faster metabolism. Drink milk and water instead of alcohol; alcohol actually contains a fair amount of calories, and slows down your metabolism. Now we're getting into the exercise portion of the "metabolism speed-up." Weight lifting is an excellent way to induce a speedy metabolism. As well as, breaking up your work out routine, and increasing the effort given per work out session. Lastly, a good nights rest is sure to speed up your metabolism. Your body burns carbs and fats during your sleep, and skimping out on the recommended eight hours of sleep per night can cause your metabolism to slow down, and the pounds will start packing on. These tips are simple and require little to no effort, but do require you to think about your eating and exercise habits.

The Livestrong website explains what slows down metabolism. Lack of sleep decreases your body's ability to adequately burn of the necessary carbs and fats. Malnutrition is also a large factor, the less good components your body has, the slower your metabolism works. And finally, muscle ratio; your body has a faster metabolism when you have more muscle. Because your metabolism burns calories faster than fat, the more muscle you have, the lower the chance that your body gain any fat to it. That's when exercise comes in handy, burning fat into muscle lowers your muscle to fat ratio. As you get older, your metabolism inevitably starts to slow down. To help your body keep off the fat, you need to lower your caloric intake, and engage in more cardio activities. Like I said before, all you need to do is get the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night, exercise frequently and powerfully , and keep in mind what you eat.

By now you realize that speeding up your metabolism is quick and easy. By simply eating the right foods, you automatically make it easier for metabolism to work faster. Eating in smaller portions and more snack throughout the day helps your metabolism. Exercising more frivolously and breaking up your routines will ensure a faster metabolism. Hopefully these tips were helpful to you, and will help further your healthy life style.

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